< Strahler Taler

Bax Collection


Singh Intrachooto – Bangkok / Thailand


Idee: Bax Collection is a collection of bags with multiple sizes for different purposes (toiletry, cargo, wallets). It is crafted from salvaged dialysis solution bags; it is therefore water-proofed, durable, translucent and soft with leather-like texture. I did not expect that this Bax bag collection would achieve more than providing design solutions to a discarded material but it also helps provide patients with kidney problems an activity that improves their stress and gives them a sense of joy in being a part of eco-solutions. Thousands of pouches which were thrown away daily are suddenly desired by others. This is very satisfying.

Materialien: Bax Bags are pieced together from salvaged dialysis pouches, a material of highest quality but get used only once before being trashed away. Collection of this material involved a collaboration with patients in multiple locations who have kidney failure and are often place-bound to homes. The salvaging logistics are carried out with members of their families. In the process of providing the patients with bag reclaimation-activities, the patients mental stress are also reduced and could earn an extra income.